Program > Poster sessions

Poster session 1 / Tuesday 20, 16:00-17:30

 Chairs: M. Nash, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  A. Wilson, Stanford University, USA



Unsupervised Polyaffine Transformation Learning for Echocardiography Motion Tracking

Yang, Sermesant


On the accuracy of eikonal approximations in cardiac electrophysiology in the presence of fibrosis

Gander, Krause, Weiser, Sahli Costabal, Pezzuto


Comparison of CNN fusion strategies for left ventricle segmentation from multi-modal MRI

Leclerc, Ouadah, Lalande, Hadadi


Numerical Investigation of Methods used in Commercial Clinical Devices for Solving the ECGI Inverse Problem

Gassa, Kalinin, Zemzemi


Detection of aortic cusp landmarks in computed tomography images with deep learning

Škrlj, Jelenc, Vrtovec

An in–silico Study of hiPSC–CMs Electronic Maturation by Dynamic Clamp

Botti, Bartolucci, Severi, Pavarino, Krause


Description of the intrusion angle of local cardiomyocyte aggregates in human left ventricular free wall using X-ray phase-contrast tomography

Wang, Wang, Li, Cui, Varray


Sensitivity of repolarization gradients to infarct borderzone properties assessed with the Ten Tusscher and modified Mitchell-Schaeffer model

Ghebryal, Kruithof, Bovendeerd, Cluitmans


Whole Heart 3D Shape Reconstruction from Sparse Views: Leveraging CCTA for CMR

Xu, Muffoletto, Niederer, Williams, Williams, Young


Automated Generation of Purkinje Networks in the Human Heart Considering the Anatomical Variability

Correas García, Guillem, Sánchez


Strainger things: discrete differential geometry for transporting right ventricular deformation across meshes

Bernardino, Dargent , Camara, Duchateau


Pump and Tissue Function in the Infarcted Heart Supported by a Regenerative Assist Device: a Computational Study

Janssens, van der Knaap, Bovendeerd


Automated Analysis of Mitral Inflow Doppler using Deep Neural Networks

Jevsikov, Lane, Alajrami, Naidoo, Dadashi Serej, Azarmehr, Aleshaiker, Stowell, Shun-shin, Francis, Zolgharni


pyheart-lib: a python library for LS-DYNA multi-physics heart simulations

Hoeijmakers, El Houari, Ye, L'Eplattenier, Benson, Nagy, Rochette


Symmetric multimodal mapping of ex vivo cardiac microstructure of large mammalian whole hearts for volumetric validation of fiber orientation estimated from diffusion MRI in physiological and remodeling conditions

Ozenne, Ramlugun, Magat, Pallares-Lupon, Cabanis, Dos Santos, Benoist, Dubes, Labrousse, Pernot, Busuttil, Haïssaguerre, Duchateau, Bernus, Walton


A Modelling Study of Pulmonary Regurgitation in a Personalized Human Heart

Guan, Wang, Luo, Danton, Gao


Deep Active Learning for Left Ventricle Segmentation in Echocardiography

Alajrami, Naidoo , Lane , Jevsikov, Pordoy, Dadashi Serej, Azarmehr, Dinmohammadi, Shun-shin , Francis, Zolgharni


An image-based computational model of the newborn cardiovascular system with term and preterm applications

May, Maso Talou, Argus, Gentles, Bloomfield, Safaei


Automatic Aortic Valve Pathology Detection from 3-Chamber Cine MRI with Spatio-Temporal Attention Maps

On, Vimalesvaran, Zaman, Howard, Linton, Peters, Cole, Bharath, Varela, Galazis


Evaluation of Mechanical Unloading of a Patient-Specific Left Ventricle: A Numerical Comparison Study

van Kerkhof, Janssens, Barbarotta , Bovendeerd


Uncertainty to Improve the Automatic Measurement of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in 2D Echocardiography Using CNN-based Segmentation

Sanchez-Puente, Pérez Sánchez, Vicente-Palacios, García-Galindo, Vara, Perez del Villar, Sánchez


Computational modelling of the cardiovascular system for the non-invasive diagnosis of portal hypertension

Villanueva Baxarias, Garcia-Cañadilla, Camara, Garcia-Criado, Camprecios, Perez-Campuzano, Turon, Baiges, Lopez Sainz, García-Pagan, Bernardino, Bijnens


Long axis cardiac MRI segmentation using anatomically-guided UNets and transfer learning

Von Zuben, Whitt, Viana, Perotti


Shape-guided In-silico Characterization of 3D Fetal Arch Hemodynamics in Suspected Coarctation of the Aorta

Hermida, van Poppel, Sabry, Keramati, Lloyd, Steinweg, Vigneswaran, Simpson, Razavi, Pushparajah, Lamata, De Vecchi


Automated estimation of motion patterns of the left ventricle supports cardiomyopathy identification

Astolfi, Jacob, Borgohain, Varga-Szemes, Sharma, Passerini


Electrocardiology Modeling after Catheter Ablations for Atrial Fibrillation

Nati Poltri, Caluori, Jaïs, Collin, Poignard




Poster session 2 / Wednesday 21, 16:00-17:30

 Chairs: M. Guseva, UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA

M. Sacks, University of Texas, USA


Assessment of the Evolution of Temporal Segmental Strain in a Longitudinal Study of Myocardial Infarction

Freytag, Duchateau, Petrusca, Ohayon, Croisille, Clarysse


Impact of blood rheological strategies on the optimization of patient-specific LAAO configurations for thrombus assessment

Albors Lucas, Olivares, Iriart, Cochet, Mill, Camara


Generating short-axis DENSE images from 4D XCAT phantoms: a proof-of-concept study

Barbaroux, Loecher, Ennis, Kunze, Neji, Nielles-Vallespin, Scott, Young


Evaluation of Inverse Electrocardiography Solutions Based on Signal-Averaged Beats to Localize the Origins of Spontaneous Premature Ventricular Contractions in Humans

Serinagaoglu Dogrusoz, Rasoolzadeh, Ondrusova, Hlivak, Svehlikova


Cardiac MRI Tagline Extraction Based on Diffeomorphic Active Contour Algorithm

Zhang, Wei, Tipre, Weiss, Younes, Ardekani


Modeling cardiac stimulation by a pacemaker, with accurate tissue-electrode interface

Pannetier, Amaro, Coudière, Dhiver, Feuerstein, Leguèbe, Walton


Automatic Detection of Coil Position in the Chest X-ray Images for Assessing the Risks of Lead Extraction Procedures

Ma, Mehta, Rinaldi, Niederer, Razavi


Implicit Neural Representations for Modeling of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Progression

Alblas, Hofman, Brune, Yeung, Wolterink


Ventricular Helix Angle Trends and Long-Range Connectivity

Wilson, Han, Perotti, Ennis


Prototype of a Cardiac MRI Simulator for the Training of Supervised Neural Networks

Varela, Bharath


Showcasing Capabilities of a Hybrid Mock Circulation Loop for Investigation of Aortic Coarctation

Perra, Kreis, Dual


Simulated Excitation Patterns in the Atria and Their Corresponding Electrograms

Steyer, Martinez Diaz, Unger, Loewe


Deformable Image Registration Using Vision Transformers for Cardiac Motion Estimation from Cine Cardiac MRI Images

Upendra, Simon, Linte, Shontz


Deep Learning-Based Emulation of Human Cardiac Activation Sequences

Bertrand, Camps, Grau, Rodriguez


Localising cardiac dyssynchrony in M-mode echocardiography with attention maps

Saiz Vivó, Capellera, Bernardino, Duchateau, Piella, Camara


Hemodynamics in Patients with Aortic Coarctation: A Comparison of in vivo 4D-Flow MRI and FSI Simulation

Nair, Pfaller, Loecher, McElhinney, Ennis, Marsden, Dual


The effect of temporal variations in myocardial blood flow velocity on diffusion tensor measurements

Alemany, Ferreira, Nielles-Vallespin, Scott, Doorly


On the possibility of estimating myocardial fiber architecture from cardiac strains

Usman, Mendiola, Mukherjee, Mehdi, Ohayon, Alluri, Sadayappan, Choudhary, Avazmohammadi


Weighted tissue thickness

Cedilnik, Peyrat


Influence of Myocardial Infraction on QRS Properties: A Simulation Study

Li, Camps, Wang, Banerjee, Rodriguez , Grau


Shape Morphing and Slice Shift Correction in Congenital Heart Defect Model Generation

Pentenga, Stroh, van Genuchten, Helbing, Yao, Peirlinck


Left ventricular work and power is independent of cardiac cycle length—implications for patients with atrial fibrillation

Zhao, Fernandes, Creamer, Hasaballa, Wang, Babarenda Gamage, Legget, Doughty, Ruygrok, Young, Nash


Right Ventricular Volume Prediction by Feature Tokenizer Transformer-based Regression of 2D Echocardiography Small-Scale Tabular Data

Bohoran, Kampaktsis, McLaughlin, Leb, Moustakidi, McCann, Giannakidis


A micro-anatomical model of the infarcted left ventricle border zone to study the influence of collagen undulation

Mendiola, Wang, Leatherman, Xiang, Neelakantan, Dixon, Vanderslice, Avazmohammadi


VisHeart: A Visualization and Analysis Tool for Multidimensional Data

Coutinho, Motta de Carvalho, Axel


The extent of LGE-defined fibrosis predicts ventricular arrhythmia severity: insights from a preclinical model of chronic infarction

Escartin, Krahn, Yu, Ng, Barry, Singh, Wright, Pop



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