Practicalities > Venue and mapThe conference will take place at Polytech Lyon, 15 Bd Latarjet, 69100 Villeurbanne, France. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gala dinner (21 June) will be held at the Grand Réfectoire de l'Hôtel Dieu, 3 cour Saint-Henri, 69002, Lyon, France. - Starting time: 7:30pm (apéritif outside before entering the restaurant) - How to best enter Hotel Dieu: in front of "Le République" bar (Place de l'hôpital, 19 Rue Louis Paufique, 69002 Lyon), to the left of the Hotel Dieu chapel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both locations can be found on this map or its simplified version below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metro tickets: Registered participants will be given a 4-days metro/bus pass at our registration desk.
- From the airport, a tramway (Rhone Express) makes the connection with the city center in around 30 minutes (departures each 15/30 minutes depending on the moment of the day). If you go directly to the conference, the simplest is to stop at Part Dieu train station and then take the T1 tramway direction "IUT Fessine", and stop at the "Condorcet" stop. The conference building is a 2-min walk away. |